You Shall Love the LORD You Shall Love Your Neighbor
You shall have no other gods before Me You shall make no graven images You shall not take God's name in vain Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy Honor your father and mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not bear false witness You shall not covet your neighbors possessions

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy

Feast of Passover:
Statute Verses Articles/Videos
10th of Abib:
  1. In the tenth day of the first month each family will set aside a lamb.
Primary: Ex. 12:3



  1. There shall be one lamb per household.
Primary: Ex. 12:4
  1. A lamb can be shared with two households if one household is too small.
Primary: Ex. 12:4
  1. The lamb shall be without blemish.
Primary: Ex. 12:5
  1. The lamb shall be a male.
Primary: Ex. 12:5
  1. The lamb shall be less than one year old.
Primary: Ex. 12:5
  1. The lamb shall come from the sheep or the goats.
Primary: Ex. 12:5
14th of Abib: (at evening/night before)
  1. You shall wash each others feet.
Primary: John 13:4-15  
  1. Communion bread shall be eaten.
Primary: Luke 22:19, Matt. 26:26, Mark 14:22-25
  1. Communion wine shall be drank.
Primary: Luke 22:20, Matt. 26:26, Mark 14:23-24
  1. A hymn shall be sang.
Primary: Matt. 26:30, Mark 14:26
  1. Shall remove all leaven from your house.
Primary: Ex. 12:15
14th of Abib: (at daytime)
  1. You shall keep the lamb until the fourteenth day of the first month.
Primary: Ex. 12:6  
  1. The whole assembly of Israel shall kill the lamb in the evening.
Primary: Ex. 12:6
  1. You shall strike blood on the two side posts and the upper door post of your house where you eat the passover.
Primary: Ex. 12:7
  1. You shall roast the lamb with fire.
Primary: Ex. 12:8
  1. You shall not eat it raw.
Primary: Ex. 12:9
  1. You sall not eat it sodden with water.
Primary: Ex. 12:9
  1. You shall roast the lamb whole (head, legs, and internal organs).
Primary: Ex. 12:9
  1. You shall not break a bone.
Primary: Ex. 12:46
15th of Abib:
  1. Shall eat the lamb in that night.
Primary: Ex. 12:8  
  1. Shall eat the lamb with unleavened bread.
Primary: Ex. 12:8
  1. Shall eat the lamb with bitter herbs.
Primary: Ex. 12:8
  1. Shall eat with your loins girded (pants on).
Primary: Ex. 12:11
  1. Shall eat with your shoes on your feet.
Primary: Ex. 12:11
  1. Shall eat with your staff in your hand.
Primary: Ex. 12:11
  1. Shall eat in haste (quickly).
Primary: Ex. 12:11
  1. Shall burn the lamb until nothing remains.
Primary: Ex. 12:10
  1. Shall teach the exodus to your children.
Primary: Ex. 12:26-27
  1. Must be eaten in one house.
Primary: Ex. Ex. 12:45-46
  1. Servants can eat if circumcised.
Primary: Ex. 12:44
  1. Strangers can keep the Passover if all males are circumcised.
Primary: Ex. 12:48
  1. All that keep the Passover shall practice one law.
Primary: Ex. 12:49
  1. All the congregation of Israel shall keep the Passover.
Primary: Ex. 12:47
  1. If you miss the passover you shall keep it the fourteenth day of the second month.
Primary: Num. 9:6-14